


16th Netherlands Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Epidemiology, Prevention and Treatment (NCHIV

Exploring and comparing Biomarker Profiles and Comorbidity burden in people with and without HIV: A Latent Profile Analysis of the AGEhIV Cohort Study
Gepresenteerd door: Manon Vanbellinghen

The Dutch Association of HIV-treating physicians (NVHB), winter meeting

Similar cellular immune responses after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in older people with well-controlled HIV and demographically and lifestyle-comparable controls without HIV
Gepresenteerd door: Myrthe Verburgh


HIV Glasgow

Older people with well-controlled HIV have similar antibody and higher T-cell responses after vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 compared to demographically and lifestyle-comparable controls without HIV
Gepresenteerd door: Myrthe Verburgh


14th Netherlands Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Epidemiology, Prevention and Treatment (NCHIV)

People with HIV and suppressed viremia on ART are not at increased risk for acquiring SARS-CoV-2 infection
Gepresenteerd door: Myrthe Verburgh

18th European AIDS Conference (EACS)

People with HIV and suppressed viremia on ART are not at increased risk for acquiring SARS-CoV-2 infection
Gepresenteerd door: Myrthe Verburgh


13th Netherlands Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Epidemiology, Prevention and Treatment (NCHIV)

Faster decline in lung function in treated HIV-positive vs. HIV-negative AGEhIV cohort participants independent of smoking behavior
Gepresenteerd door: Sebastiaan Verboeket

22nd International Workshop on Co-morbidities and Adverse Drug Reactions in HIV

Faster decline in lung function in treated HIV-positive vs. HIV-negative AGEhIV cohort participants independent of smoking behavior
Gepresenteerd door: Sebastiaan Verboeket

Selective drop-out of HIV-positive AGEhIV Cohort participants may bias estimates of long-term adverse health effects of ageing with HIV
Gepresenteerd door: Eveline Verheij


International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases (IWHOD)

Development and validation of an index to assess the comorbidity burden of people living with HIV
Gepresenteerd door: Davide de Francesco

Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI)

Impact and determinants of comorbidity clusters in people living with HIV
Gepresenteerd door: Davide de Francesco

The Dutch Association of HIV-treating physicians (NVHB), mid-summer meeting

Switchen naar een antiretroviraal regime met een integraseremmer in het AGEhIV Cohort is niet geassocieerd met een bovengemiddelde toename in lichaamsgewicht
Gepresenteerd door: Sebastiaan Verboeket

21st International Workshop on Co-morbidities and Adverse Drug Reactions in HIV

Colonic microbiota exhibits disparate associations with HIV-infection and sexual practices
Gepresenteerd door: Eveline Verheij

Switching to an integrase inhibitor containing antiretroviral regimen is not associated with above-average weight gain in middle-aged people living with HIV on long-term suppressive antiretroviral therapy, the AGEhIV cohort study
Gepresenteerd door: Sebastiaan Verboeket

Development and validation of an index to assess the comorbidity burden of people living with HIV
Gepresenteerd door: Davide De Francesco

17th European AIDS Conference (EACS)

Colonic microbiota exhibits disparate associations with HIV-infection and sexual practices
Gepresenteerd door: Eveline Verheij

Switching to an integrase inhibitor containing antiretroviral regimen is not associated with above-average weight gain in middle-aged people living with HIV on long-term suppressive antiretroviral therapy, the AGEhIV cohort study
Gepresenteerd door: Sebastiaan Verboeket

Development and validation of an index to assess the comorbidity burden of people living with HIV
Gepresenteerd door: Davide De Francesco


International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases (IWHOD)

Pulmonary function in controlled HIV-infection: lower forced vital capacity but similar 1-second forced expiratory volume among those with limited smoking experience
Gepresenteerd door: Sebastiaan Verboeket

International Symposium on HIV and Emerging Infectious Diseases (ISHEID)

Dealing with multimorbidities in HIV
Gepresenteerd door: Rosan van Zoest

International AIDS Conference

Heterogeneity in pulmonary function indices by HIV status and cumulative smoking intensity among well-controlled HIV-infected persons compared to HIV-uninfected participants in the AGEhIV cohort
Gepresenteerd door: Sebastiaan Verboeket


Increased risk of both mortality and incident comorbidity among frail HIV-positive and HIV-negative participants in the AGEhIV cohort study, and increased risk of frailty progression in those with HIV
Gepresenteerd door: Eveline Verheij


Congrès VIH Complications et Comorbidités

AGEhIV cohort update
Gepresenteerd door: Rosan van Zoest

International Workshop on Co-morbidities and Adverse Drug Reactions in HIV

HIV-negative men who have sex with men have lower CD4 to CD8 ratios driven by higher absolute CD8 T-lymphocyte counts compared to HIV-negative heterosexual men
Gepresenteerd door: Sebastiaan Verboeket



16th European AIDS Conference

HIV and Ageing: Using Cohort Data to Separate the Myths from Reality
Gepresenteerd door: Rosan van Zoest


19th Bangkok International Symposium on HIV Medicine

Co- and multi-morbidity in people ageing with HIV
Gepresenteerd door: Peter Reiss


Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI)

Longitudinal analysis shows no evidence for accelerated brain ageing in treated HIV
Gepresenteerd door: Rosan van Zoest


The Dutch Association of HIV-treating physicians (NVHB), winter meeting

Brain grey and white matter (micro)structural abnormalities in successfully treated HIV infection most likely reflect historical injury
Gepresenteerd door: Rosan van Zoest

Hiv-infectie is onafhankelijk geassocieerd met verminderde erectiele functie onder mannen van middelbare leeftijd die seks hebben met mannen
Gepresenteerd door: Maartje Dijkstra

International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases (IWHOD)

HIV-1 status is independently associated with decreased erectile function among middle-aged men who have sex with men
Gepresenteerd door: Maartje Dijkstra



HIV-1 status is independently associated with decreased erectile function among middle-aged men who have sex with men
Gepresenteerd door: Maartje Dijkstra


International AIDS Society Conference

HIV-1 status is independently associated with decreased erectile function among middle-aged men who have sex with men
Gepresenteerd door: Maartje Dijkstra


People living with HIV and HIV-negative individuals with similar lifestyles show greater age advancement compared to healthy blood donors
Gepresenteerd door: Davide de Francesco



International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases (IWHOD)

HIV infection is independently associated with chronic kidney disease and mild glomerular hyperfiltration, particularly in those of African descent
Gepresenteerd door: Katherine Kooij

Primary and secondary cardiovascular prevention is suboptimal in both HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected participants of the AGEhIV Cohort Study
Gepresenteerd door: Rosan van Zoest

The Dutch Association of HIV-treating physicians (NVHB), summer meeting

Primary and secondary cardiovascular prevention is suboptimal in both HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected participants of the AGEhIV Cohort Study
Gepresenteerd door: Rosan van Zoest

International Workshop on Co-morbidities and Adverse Drug Reactions in HIV

Primary and secondary cardiovascular prevention is suboptimal in both HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected participants of the AGEhIV Cohort Study
Gepresenteerd door: Rosan van Zoest


Netherlands Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Epidemiology, Prevention and Treatment (NCHIV)

HIV infection is independently associated with chronic kidney disease and mild glomerular hyperfiltration, particularly in those of African descent
Gepresenteerd door: Katherine Kooij


Prise en charge clinique du sujet âgé vivant avec le VIH, Marseille

Elderly & HIV: Results from the AGEhIV Cohort Study 
Gepresenteerd door: Rosan van Zoest

European HIV Nursing Conference

The impact of the number of co-morbidities and aging on Health Related Quality of Life in HIV-infected and uninfected individuals
Gepresenteerd door: Nienke Langebeek


The Dutch Association of HIV-treating physicians (NVHB), winter meeting

Performance of 4 Tools to Screen for HIV-Associated Cognitive Impairment.
Gepresenteerd door: Rosan van Zoest

Highlights in Basic and Clinical Science (HIBIC) conference

Low BMD in patients with well-suppressed HIV infection.
Gepresenteerd door: Katherine Kooij

Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI)

Performance of 4 Tools to Screen for HIV-Associated Cognitive Impairment.
Gepresenteerd door: Rosan van Zoest

APRI and FIB4: Associated With D-Drug Exposure, Low CD4 Count and Monocyte Activation
Gepresenteerd door: Katherine Kooij

International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases (IWHOD)

Frailty predicts all-cause mortality, hospital admission and falls in HIV-infected and -uninfected middle-aged individuals
Gepresenteerd door: Katherine Kooij/Ferdinand Wit

Higher prevalence of hypertension in HIV-infected individuals partially explained by increased waist-hip ration rather than BMI, other traditional risk factors or markers of systemic inflammation
Gepresenteerd door: Rosan van Zoest

Nederlands Oogheelkundig Gezelschap (NOG)

Structureel en functioneel oogheelkundig onderzoek bij HIV-positieve patienten
Gepresenteerd door: Nazli Demirkaya

Association for Research in Visual Science and Opthalmology (ARVO)

Visual function and corneal endothelium analysis in patients with well-suppressed HIV infection
Gepresenteerd door: Nazli Demirkaya

The Dutch Association of HIV-treating physicians (NVHB) summer meeting

Hogere prevalentie van hypertensie onder hiv-geïinfecteerden grotendeels verklaard door abdominale obesitas en stavudine-gerelateerde lipoatrofie
Gepresenteerd door: Rosan van Zoest

European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS) conference

Increased prevalence of hypertension in HIV-infected patients, most with suppressed viraemia on combination antiretroviral therapy, is associated with changes in body composition
Gepresenteerd door: Rosan van Zoest

Frailty predicts all-cause mortality, hospital admission and falls in HIV-infected and uninfected middle-aged individuals
Gepresenteerd door: Katherine Kooij


A neuroscience gateway for handling and processing population imaging studies
Gepresenteerd door: Matthan Caan

Assessment of Resources and Opportunities for NeuroAIDS Research

Prevalence of NCI in the Netherlands
Gepresenteerd door: Judith Schouten

3e Landelijk Valsymposium

Frailty voorspelt mortaliteit, ziekenhuisopname en vallen in hiv-geïnfecteerde en ongeïnfecteerde mensen van middelbare leeftijd
Gepresenteerd door: Katherine Kooij

Netherlands Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Epidemiology, Prevention and Treatment (NCHIV)

The impact of the number of comorbidities and aging on Health Related Quality of Life in HIV-infected and uninfected individuals
Gepresenteerd door: Nienke Langebeek

VII Congreso Nacional GeSIDA

HIV, Co-morbidity and Ageing
Gepresenteerd door: Peter Reiss


Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI)

Multivariate normative comparison, a novel method for more reliably detecting cognitive impairment in HIV infection. 
Gepresenteerd door: Judith Schouten

ISMRM Benelux Chapter

White Matter Abnormalities in Males with Suppressed HIV-infectiono n cART compared to representative controls.
Gepresenteerd door: Tanja Su

International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases (IWHOD)

HIV infection is independently associated with frailty in middle aged HIV infected individuals compared to uninfected controls
Gepresenteerd door: Katherine Kooij

Dutch Ophthalmic Society Conference

Neuroretinal degeneration in HIV-positive patients
Gepresenteerd door: Nazli Demirkaya

Innsbruck HIV Update

Comorbidity and ageing in HIV-1 infection: The AGEhIV Cohort Study
Gepresenteerd door: Peter Reiss

HIV Drug Therapies in the Americas

Co-morbidities and Ageing in HIV
Gepresenteerd door: Peter Reiss

Association for Research in Visual Science and Opthalmology

Neuroretinal degeneration in HIV-positive patients
Gepresenteerd door: Nazli Demirkaya

Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB

White Matter Abnormalities in Males with Suppressed HIV-infectiono n cART compared to representative controls
Gepresenteerd door: Tanja Su


Prevalence and determinants of insufficient work ability in older HIV-positive and HIV-negative workers
Gepresenteerd door: Lisanne Moller

International Symposium on Neurobiology and Neuroendocrinology of Aging

Multivariate normative comparison, a novel method for more reliably detecting cognitive impairment in HIV infection
Gepresenteerd door: Judith Schouten

HIV infection is independently associated with frailty in middle aged HIV infected individuals compared to uninfected controls
Gepresenteerd door: Katherine Kooij

White Matter Abnormalities in Adequately treated HIV-infection 
Gepresenteerd door: Tanja Su

Immune activation and immunosenescence in HIV infection.
Gepresenteerd door: Neeltje Kootstra

International AIDS Conference

Prevalence and determinants of insufficient work ability in older HIV-positive and HIV-negative workers
Gepresenteerd door: Ronald Brands

Disentangling Biological Aging, the Inflammatory Effects of Long Term  HIV infection and Adverse Effects of ART 
Gepresenteerd door: Peter Reiss

International Workshop on Co-morbidities and Adverse Drug Reactions in HIV

Higher prevalence of hypertension in HIV-infected patients partially explained by increased waist-hip ratio rather than BMI, other traditional risk factors or markers of systemic inflammation.
Gepresenteerd door: Rosan van Zoest

Netherlands Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Epidemiology, Prevention and Treatment (NCHIV)

HIV infection is independently associated with frailty in middle-aged HIV-infected individuals compared to uninfected controls.
Gepresenteerd door: Katherine Kooij

Higher prevalence of hypertension in HIV-infected individuals partially explained by increased waist-hip ratio rather than BMI, other traditional risk factors or markers of systemic inflammation.
Gepresenteerd door: Rosan van Zoest

Accentuated CD8+ T-cell senescence is associated with both age and CD8+ T cell activation in long-term treated HIV-1 infected patients.
Gepresenteerd door: Viviana Cobos Jiménez

Prevalence and determinants of insufficient work ability in older HIV-positive and HIV-negative workers.
Gepresenteerd door: Lisanne Moller


International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases (IWHOD)

Prevalence and determinants of reduced bone mineral density in ageing HIV-1-positive and HIV-negative individuals.
Gepresenteerd door: Katherine Kooij

The Dutch Association of HIV-treating physicians (NVHB), spring meeting

Prevalence and determinants of reduced bone mineral density in ageing HIV-1-positive and HIV-negative individuals.
Gepresenteerd door: Katherine Kooij

International Neuropsychological Society Mid-Year Meeting

Neuropsychological and Neuroimaging Status of Middle-aged HIV-infected Males with Suppressed Infection on cART Compared to a Respresentative Control Group.
Gepresenteerd door: Tanja Su

AIDS Impact Conference

Prevalence and determinants of non-participation in paid work among ageing HIV-1 infected and HIV-uninfected individuals.
Gepresenteerd door: Ineke Stolte

European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS) Conference

Prevalence and determinants of reduced bone mineral density in ageing HIV-1-positive and HIV-negative individuals.
Gepresenteerd door: Katherine Kooij

Greater arterial stiffness in middle-aged HIV-1-positive individuals largely explained by higher prevalence of hypertension and smoking.
Gepresenteerd door: Katherine Kooij

International Workshop on Co-morbidities and Adverse Drug Reactions in HIV

Prevalence and determinants of reduced bone mineral density in ageing HIV-1-positive and HIV-negative individuals.
Gepresenteerd door: Katherine Kooij

Netherlands Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Epidemiology, Prevention and Treatment (NCHIV)

Calendar age predicts CD8+ T-cell senescence in long-term treated HIV-infected patients but not in HIV-uninfected controls.
Gepresenteerd door: Maaike Joerink

Najaarsvergadering NVVI

Calendar age predicts CD8+ T-cell senescence in long-term treated HIV-infected patients but not in HIV-uninfected controls.
Gepresenteerd door: Maaike Joerink

Annual meeting of the Netherlands Ophthalmological Society (NOG)

Baseline ophthalmological results substudy AGEhIV.
Gepresenteerd door: Nazli Demirkaya

Annual meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Opthalmology (ARVO)

Baseline ophthalmological results substudy AGEhIV.
Gepresenteerd door: Nazli Demirkaya


International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases (IWHOD)

Comorbidity and ageing with HIV A prospective comparative cohort study.
Gepresenteerd door: Judith Schouten

International Workshop on Co-morbidities and Adverse Drug Reactions in HIV

Comorbidity and ageing with HIV A prospective comparative cohort study.
Gepresenteerd door: Judith Schouten

International AIDS Conference (IAS)

Comorbidity and ageing with HIV A prospective comparative cohort study.
Gepresenteerd door: Judith Schouten

Netherlands Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Epidemiology, Prevention and Treatment (NCHIV)

Prevalence and determinants of unemployment among ageing HIV-1 infected and HIV-uninfected individuals.
Gepresenteerd door: Ineke Stolte

International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV

Prevalence and determinants of unemployment among ageing HIV-1 infected and HIV-uninfected individuals.
Gepresenteerd door: Ineke Stolte


Netherlands Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Epidemiology, Prevention and Treatment (NCHIV)

Comorbidity and ageing with HIV A prospective comparative cohort study.
Gepresenteerd door: Judith Schouten


No association between use of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, etravirine, or integrase-strand transfer inhibitors and acquisition or severe outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 infection in people with HIV in the Netherlands.
Verburgh ML, Van der Valk M, Rijnders BJA, Reiss P, Wit FWNM
AIDS. 2023 Jul 15;37(9):1481-1486.                                                                                                              Link

Robust Vaccine-Induced as Well as Hybrid B- and T-Cell Immunity across SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Platforms in People with HIV                                                                                                                          Verburgh ML*, Van Pul L*, Grobben M*,  Boyd A, Wit FWNM, Van Nuenen AC, Van Dort KA, Tejjani K, Van Rijswijk J, Bakker M, Van der Hoek L, Schim van der Loeff MF, Van der Valk M, Van Gils MJ*, Kootstra NA*, Reiss P*; for the AGEhIV Study Group.  * Authors contributed equally                                                Microbiol Spectr. 2023 Jun 15;11(3):e0115523.                                                                                                  Link

Long-term evolution of comorbidities and their disease burden in individuals with and without HIV as they age: analysis of the prospective AGEhIV cohort study.
Verheij E, Boyd A, Wit FW, Verboeket SO, Verburgh ML, Van der Valk M, Schim van der Loeff MF, Reiss P; on behalf of the AGEhIV cohort study
Lancet HIV. 2023 Mar;10(3):e164-e174.                                                                                                        Link


Change in Substance Use and the Effects of Social Distancing on Health-Related Quality of Life and Depressive Symptoms During the COVID-19 Pandemic in People Living With and Without HIV
Schaaf, Reja E. A.; Verburgh, Myrthe L.; Boyd, Anders; Wit, Ferdinand W.; Nieuwkerk, Pythia T.; Schim van der Loeff, Maarten F.; Reiss, Peter;  for the AGEhIV Study Group.
JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 2022, 91(3):p 261-268

The experienced positive and negative influence of HIV on quality of life of people with HIV and vulnerable to HIV in the Netherlands
Romijnders KAGJ, de Groot L, Vervoort SCJM, Basten M, van Welzen BJ, Kretzschmar ME, Reiss P, Davidovich U, van der Loeff MFS, Rozhnova G.
Sci Rep. 2022 Dec 19;12(1):21887


Similar risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection and similar nucleocapsid antibody levels in people with well-controlled HIV and a comparable cohort of people without HIV
Myrthe L. Verburgh, Anders Boyd, Ferdinand W.N.M. Wit, Maarten F. Schim van der Loeff, Marc van der Valk, Margreet Bakker, Neeltje A. Kootstra, Lia van der Hoek and Peter Reiss; on behalf of the AGEhIV Cohort Study Group.
2022 Jun 1;225(11):1937-1947.

The Complement Pathway Is Activated in People With Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Is Associated With Non-AIDS Comorbidities
Vujkovic-Cvijin I, Sortino O, Verheij E, Wit FW, Kootstra NA, Sellers B, Schim van der Loeff M, Belkaid Y, Reiss P, Sereti I.
J Infect Dis. 2021; 224(8): 1405-1409

Generally rare but occasionally severe weight gain after switching to an integrase inhibitor in virally suppressed AGEhIV cohort participants
Sebastiaan O. Verboeket, Anders Boyd, Ferdinand W. Wit, Eveline Verheij, Maarten F. Schim van der Loeff, Neeltje Kootstra, Marc van der Valk, Peter Reiss, on behalf of the AGEhIV Cohort Study Group.
PLoS One. 2021; 16(5): e0251205.

Changes in lung function among treated HIV-positive and HIV-negative individuals: analysis of the prospective AGEhIV cohort study
Sebastiaan O. Verboeket, Anders Boyd, Ferdinand W. Wit, Eveline Verheij, Maarten F. Schim van der Loeff, Neeltje Kootstra, Marc van der Valk, Reindert P. van Steenwijk, Bradley Drummond, Gregory D. Kirk, Peter Reiss; on behalf of the AGEhIV Cohort Study.
Lancet Healthy Longev. 2021; 2: e202-11.


Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-Negative Men Who Have Sex With Men Have Higher CD8+ T-Cell Counts and Lower CD4+/CD8+ T-Cell Ratios Compared With HIV-Negative Heterosexual Men
Sebastiaan O. Verboeket, Ferdinand W. Wit, Eveline Verheij, Rosan A. van Zoest, Neeltje A. Kootstra, Marc van der Valk, Jan M. Prins, Maarten F. Schim van der Loeff, and Peter Reiss; on behalf of the AGEhIV Study Group.
J Infect Dis 2020 Jan 31;jiaa048.

Frailty is associated with mortality and incident comorbidity among middle-aged HIV-positive and HIV-negative participants
Verheij. E, Kirk. GD, Wit. FW, van Zoest. RA, Verboeket. SO, Lemkes. BA, Schim van der Loeff. MF, Reiss. P, for the AGEhIV Cohort
J Infect Dis 2020 Aug 17;222(6):919-928.

HIV-associated gut dysbiosis is independent of sexual practice and correlates with noncommunicable diseases
I. Vujkovic-Cvijin, O. Sortino, E. Verheij, J. Sklar, F. W. Wit, N. A. Kootstra, B. Sellers, J. M. Brenchley, J. Ananworanich, M. Schim van der Loeff, Y. Belkaid, P. Reiss & I. Sereti
Nature Communications 2020 May 15;11(1):2448.

Frequency, risk factors and mediators of frailty transitions during long-term follow-up among people with HIV and HIV-negative AGEhIV Cohort participants
Verheij. E, Wit. FW, Verboeket. SO, Schim van der Loeff. MF, Nellen. JF, Reiss. P, Kirk. GD
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2020 Jan 1;86(1):110-118.


Reduced Forced Vital Capacity among HIV-infected middle-aged individuals
Verboeket SO, Wit FW, Kirk GD, Drummond MB, van Steenwijk RP, van Zoest RA, Nellen JF, van der Loeff MFS, Reiss P.
J Infect Dis 2019 Apr 8;219(8):1274-1284.

Validation of a Novel Multivariate Method of Defining HIV-Associated Cognitive Impairment
Underwood J, De Francesco D, Cole JH, Caan MWA, van Zoest RA, Schmand BA, Sharp DJ, Sabin CA, Reiss P, Winston A; COmorBidity in Relation to AIDS (COBRA) Collaboration and the Pharmacokinetic and clinical Observations in PeoPle over fiftY (POPPY) Study Group.
Open Forum Infect Dis. 2019 May 3;6(6):ofz198.

Cognitive function and drivers of cognitive impairment in a European and a Korean cohort of people living with HIV
De Francesco D, Jae-phil Choi, Jun Yong Choi, Rosan A. van Zoest, Jonathan Underwood, Judith Schouten, Nam Su Ku, Woo Joo Kim, Peter Reiss, Caroline A. Sabin and Alan Winston on behalf of the ComorBidity in Relation to AIDS (COBRA) Collaboration and the Korean NeuroAIDS Project.
Int J STD AIDS. 2019 Dec 4:956462419881080.


HIV-1 status is independently associated with decreased erectile function among middle-aged MSM in the era of combination antiretroviral therapy.
Dijkstra M, van Lunsen RHW, Kooij KW, Davidovich U, van Zoest RA, Wit FWMN, Prins M, Reiss P, Schim van der Loeff MF; AGEhIV Cohort Study Group.
AIDS. 2018; 32: 1137-1146.

Clinical research cerebral MRI findings in HIV-positive subjects and appropriate controls.
Chhabra S, Underwood J, Cole JH, Caan M, Waldman A, Reiss P, Sabin CA, Sharp DJ, Winston A; CoBRA collaboration.
AIDS. 2018; 32: 2077-2081.

The ‘COmorBidity in Relation to AIDS’ (COBRA) cohort: Design, methods and participant characteristics.
De Francesco D, Wit FW, Cole JH, Kootstra NA, Winston A, Sabin CA, Underwood J, van Zoest RA, Schouten J, Kooij KW, Prins M, Guaraldi G, Caan MWA, Burger D, Franceschi C, Libert C, Bürkle A, Reiss P; COmorBidity in Relation to AIDS (COBRA) collaboration.
PLoS One. 2018; 13: e0191791.

No Evidence for Accelerated Aging-Related Brain Pathology in Treated Human Immunodeficiency Virus: Longitudinal Neuroimaging Results From the Comorbidity in Relation to AIDS (COBRA) Project.
Cole JH, Caan MWA, Underwood J, De Francesco D, van Zoest RA, Wit FWNM, Mutsaerts HJMM, Leech R, Geurtsen GJ, Portegies P, Majoie CBLM, Schim van der Loeff MF, Sabin CA, Reiss P, Winston A, Sharp DJ; Comorbidity in Relations to AIDS (COBRA) Collaboration.
Clin Infect Dis. 2018; 66: 1899-1909.

Patterns of Co-occurring Comorbidities in People Living With HIV.
Francesco D, Verboeket SO, Underwood J, Bagkeris E, Wit FW, Mallon PWG, Winston A, Reiss P, Sabin CA; Pharmacokinetic and Clinical Observations in PeoPle Over fiftY (POPPY) study and the AGEhIV Cohort Study.
Open Forum Infect Dis. 2018 Oct 24;5(11):ofy272.


High Cellular Monocyte Activation in People Living With Human Immunodeficiency Virus on Combination Antiretroviral Therapy and Lifestyle-Matched Controls Is Associated With Greater Inflammation in Cerebrospinal Fluid.
Booiman T, Wit FW, Maurer I, De Francesco D, Sabin CA, Harskamp AM, Prins M, Garagnani P, Pirazzini C, Franceschi C, Fuchs D, Gisslén M, Winston A, Reiss P, Kootstra NA; Comorbidity in Relation to AIDS (COBRA) Collaboration.
Open Forum Infect Dis. 2017; 4: ofx108.

Structural brain abnormalities in successfully treated HIV infection: associations with disease and cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers.
Van Zoest RA, Underwood J, De Francesco D, Sabin CA, Cole JH, Wit FW, Caan MWA, Kootstra NA, Fuchs D, Zetterberg H, Majoie CBLM, Portegies P, Winston A, Sharp DJ, Gisslén M, Reiss P; Co-morBidity in Relation to AIDS (COBRA) Collaboration.
J Infect Dis. 2017; 217: 69-81.

Higher Prevalence and Faster Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease in Human Immunodeficiency Virus–Infected Middle-Aged Individuals Compared With Human Immunodeficiency Virus–Uninfected Controls.
Kooij KW, Vogt L, Wit FW, van der Valk M, van Zoest RA, Goorhuis A, Prins M, Post FA, Reiss P, on behalf of the AGEhIV Cohort Study.
J Infect Dis. 2017; 216: 622-631.

Suboptimal primary and secondary cardiovascular disease prevention in HIV-positive individuals on antiretroviral therapy.
van Zoest RA, van der Valk M, Wit FW, Vaartjes I, Kooij KW, Hovius JW, Prins M, Reiss P; AGEhIV Cohort Study Group.
Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2017; 24: 1297-1307.

Grey and white matter abnormalities in treated HIV-disease and their relationship to cognitive function.
Underwood J, Cole JH, Caan M, De Francesco D, Leech R, van Zoest RA, Su T, Geurtsen GJ, Schmand BA, Portegies P, Prins M, Wit FW, Sabin CA, Majoie C, Reiss P, Winston A, Sharp DJ; Co-morBidity in Relation to Aids (COBRA) Collaboration.
Clin Infect Dis. 2017; 65: 422-432.

Increased brain-predicted aging in treated HIV disease.
Cole JH, Underwood J, Caan MW, De Francesco D, van Zoest RA, Leech R, Wit FW, Portegies P, Geurtsen GJ, Schmand BA, Schim van der Loeff MF, Franceschi C, Sabin CA, Majoie CB, Winston A, Reiss P, Sharp DJ; COBRA collaboration.
Neurology. 2017; 88: 1349-1357.

Impact of comorbidity and aging on health-related quality of life in HIV-positive and HIV-negative individuals.
Langebeek N, Kooij KW, Wit FW, Stolte IG, Sprangers MAG, Reiss P, Nieuwkerk PT:  AGEhIV Study Group
AIDS. 2017; 31: 1471-1481.

3D scattering transforms for disease classification in neuroimaging
T. Adel, T. Cohen, M. Caan, M. Welling; AGEhIV Study Group and the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative
Neuroimage Clin. 2017; 14: 506-17.

Cerebral blood flow and cognitive function in HIV-infected men with sustained suppressed viremia on combination antiretroviral therapy
Tanja Su, HJ Mutsaerts, Matthan Caan, Ferdinand Wit, Judith Schouten, Gert Geurtsen, David Sharp, Maria Prins, Edo Richard, Peter Portegies, Peter Reiss, Charles Majoie, on behalf of the AGEhIV Cohort Study
AIDS. 2017; 31: 847-56.


Cigarette Smoking and Inflammation, Monocyte Activation, and Coagulation in HIV-Infected Individuals Receiving Antiretroviral Therapy, Compared With Uninfected Individuals
Katherine Kooij, Ferdinand Wit, Thijs Booiman, Marc van der Valk, Maarten Schim van der Loeff, Neeltje Kootstra, Peter Reiss; AGEhIV Cohort Study Group.
J Infect Dis. 2016; 214: 1817-21.

White matter structure alterations in HIV-1-infected men with sustained suppression of viraemia on treatment
Tanja Su, Matthan Caan, Ferdinand Wit, Judith Schouten, Gert Geurtsen, James Cole, David Sharp, Frans Vos, Maria Prins, Peter Portegies, Peter Reiss, Charles Majoie
AIDS. 2016; 30: 311-22.

HIV infection is independently associated with frailty in middle-aged HIV type 1-infected individuals compared with similar but uninfected controls
Katherine Kooij, Ferdinand Wit, Judith Schouten, Marc van der Valk, Mieke Godfried, Ineke Stolte, Maria Prins, Julian Falutz, Peter Reiss
AIDS, 2016; 30: 241-50.

Determinants of reduced cognitive performance in HIV-1-infected middle-aged men on combination antiretroviral therapy.
Judith Schouten, Tanja Su, Ferdinand Wit, Neeltje Kootstra, Matthan Caan, Gert Geurtsen, Ben Schmand, Ineke Stolte, Maria Prins, Charles Majoie, Peter Portegies, Peter Reiss
AIDS, 2016; 30: 1027-38.

Prevalence and determinants of insufficient work ability in older HIV-positive and HIV-negative workers.
Lisanne Moller, Ronald Brands, Judith Sluiter, Judith Schouten, Ferdinand Wit, Peter Reiss, Maria Prins, Ineke Stolte.
Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 2016; 89: 699-709.

HIV-associated Neuroretinal Disorder in Patients with Well-suppressed HIV-infection: A Comparative Cohort Study.
Nazli Demirkaya, Ferdinand Wit, Thomas van den Berg, Katherine Kooij, Maria Prins, Reinier Schlingemann, Michael Abramoff, Peter Reiss, Frank Verbraak.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 2016; 57: 1388-97.

Difference in aortic stiffness between treated middle-aged HIV type 1-infected and uninfected individuals largely explained by traditional cardiovascular risk factors, with an additional contribution of prior advanced immunodeficiency.
Katherine Kooij*, Judith Schouten*, Ferdinand Wit, Marc van der Valk, Neeltje Kootstra, Ineke Stolte, Jan van der Meer, Maria Prins, Diederick Grobbee, Bert-Jan van den Born, Peter Reiss.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2016; 73: 55-62.

Liver fibrosis in HIV-infected individuals on long-term antiretroviral therapy: associated with immune activation, immunodeficiency and prior use of didanosine.
Katherine Kooij, Ferdinand Wit, Rosan van Zoest, Judith Schouten, Neeltje Kootstra, Michele van Vugt,
Maria Prins, Peter Reiss, Marc van der Valk.
AIDS. 2016; 30: 1771-80.

Higher prevalence of hypertension in HIV-1-infected patients on combination antiretroviral therapy is associated with changes in body composition and prior stavudine exposure.
Rosan van Zoest, Ferdinand Wit, Katherine  Kooij, Marc van der Valk, Judith Schouten, Neeltje Kootstra, Joost Wiersinga, Maria Prins, Bert-Jan van den Born, Peter Reiss.
Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2016; 63: 205-13.

T-Cell Activation Independently Associates With Immune Senescence in HIV-Infected Recipients of Long-term Antiretroviral Treatment.
Viviana Cobos Jiménez, Ferdinand Wit, Maaike Joerink, Irma Maurer, Agnes Harskamp, Judith Schouten, Maria Prins, van Leeuwen EM, Thijs Booiman, Steven Deeks, Peter Reiss, Neeltje Kootstra.
Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2016; 214: 216-25.

White matter hyperintensities in relation to cognition in HIV-infected men with sustained suppressed viral load on cART.
Tanja Su, Ferdinand Wit, Matthan Caan, Judith Schouten, Maria Prins, Gert Geurtsen, James Cole, David Sharp, Edo Richard, Liesbeth Reneman, Peter Portegies, Peter Reiss, Charles Majoie.
AIDS. 2016; 30: 2329-39.


Multivariate normative comparison, a novel method for more reliably detecting cognitive impairment in HIV infection.
Tanja Su, Judith Schouten, Gert Geurtsen, Ferdinand Wit, Ineke Stolte, Maria Prins, Peter Portegies, Matthan Caan, Peter Reiss, Charles Majoie, Ben Schmand; AGEhIV Cohort Study Group.
AIDS. 2015;29:547-57.

Low bone mineral density in patients with well-suppressed HIV infection: association with body weight, smoking, and prior advanced HIV disease.
Katherine Kooij, Ferdinand Wit, Peter Bisschop, Judith Schouten, Ineke Stolte, Maria Prins, Marc van der Valk, Jan Prins, Berthe van Eck-Smit, Paul Lips, Peter Reiss; AGEhIV Cohort Study Group.
J Infect Dis. 2015; 211: 539-48.


Cross-sectional comparison of the prevalence of age-associated comorbidities and their risk factors between HIV-infected and uninfected individuals: the AGEhIV cohort study.
Judith Schouten, Ferdinand Wit, Ineke Stolte, Neeltje Kootstra, Marc van der Valk, Suzanne Geerlings, Maria Prins, Peter Reiss; AGEhIV Cohort Study Group.
Clin Infect Dis. 2014;59:1787-97.

Delen van onderzoeksdata

We streven ernaar om de gegevens die in AGEhIV Cohort Studie-manuscripten worden gebruikt publiekelijk beschikbaar te maken, binnen de ethische kaders waarin de gegevens zijn verzameld. Hiertoe zullen we gegevens rechtstreeks delen met geïnteresseerde partijen ten behoeve van de volgende twee doeleinden: 1) verificatie en replicatie van een reeds gepubliceerde analyse van de AGEhIV C​ohort Studie, 2) nieuwe wetenschappelijke onderzoeksprojecten met AGEhIV C​ohort Studie data.

Om dit te faciliteren, kan een aanvraag voor het delen van onderzoeksdata worden ingediend middels dit concept formulier. Na indiening zal het voorgestelde onderzoek/analyse beoordeeld worden door het AGEhIV Cohort Studie team ter evaluatie van de wetenschappelijke waarde, relevantie voor de studie, het ontwerp en de haalbaarheid, statistische power en overlap met reeds bestaande projecten. Indien de voorgestelde analyse bedoeld is ter verificatie/replicatie, dan worden de betreffende data beschikbaar gesteld. Indien het voorgestelde onderzoek een nieuw wetenschappelijk voorstel betreft, zal -na afronding van het review- feedback worden gegeven aan de indiener(s). In sommige gevallen kan er om revisie van het concept worden gevraagd. Als het concept wordt goedgekeurd, dan zal een schrijfcomité worden samengesteld, bestaande uit de indieners (maximaal 3 personen die centraal betrokken waren bij de ontwikkeling van het concept) en leden van de AGEhIV Cohort Studie-groep (of andere aangewezen vertegenwoordigers van het cohort). Alle personen die betrokken zijn bij het review-proces dienen vertrouwelijk om te gaan met de onderzoeksvoorstellen.

Voor meer informatie over de procedure, het delen van onderzoeksdata of samenwerking met het AGEhIV Cohort in het algemeen, kunt u contact opnemen met Ms. Lilly Dol (l.dol@aighd.org).

Amsterdam UMC-AMC
GGD Amsterdam
HIV monitoring