Research Assistants & Nurses
Kristel van Eeden
After years of managing the logistics and administration of her own company, Kristel decided it was time for something new. After getting her degree as doctor’s assistant in 2016, she started working at the outpatient clinic of Internal Medicine and Tropical Diseases of the Amsterdam UMC, location AMC. This is where she discovered here interest in infectious diseases. Among other things, she supported the HIV-nurse consultants and did the pre-triage for the Lyme outpatient clinic. Therefore, it was a logical step to start working as a research assistant at the AGEhIV Cohort Study in 2021
Laura del Grande
Laura Del Grande is originally from Zurich, Switzerland, where she was born and raised. She completed her HBO-V nursing training and obtained her diploma in 2003. In August 2006, she moved to the Netherlands. After working for a year on the orthopedics ward at OLVG, she joined the GGD in 2009 as a research nurse. Since 2016, she has been involved in the AGEhIV study.
Peter Reiss
(principal investigator)
In 2009, Peter Reiss took the initiative for the AGEhIV Cohort Study. He has studied medicine at the University of Amsterdam. After his training in Internal Medicine at the OLVG Hospital in Amsterdam, he specialized in Infectious Diseases at the University Hospital of Leiden. He is emeritus (since 2011) professor of Internal Medicine, specializing in the complications of the treatment of HIV infection, affiliated with the Amsterdam UMC (location AMC). Currently, he is senior fellow at the Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development and staff member of the Global Health Division of the Amsterdam UMC. Until 2021, he was director of the Dutch HIV Monitoring Foundation.
Marc van der Valk
Prof. dr. Marc van der Valk works as an internist-infectiologist at the department of Infectious Diseases of the Amsterdam UMC, where he is the head of the HIV outpatient clinic and medical director at the DC Klinieken Amsterdam. As of June 2021, he is professor of Internal Medicine, in particular the treatment of HIV, at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Amsterdam. Since 2021, he is director of the board of the HIV Monitoring Foundation (SHM). He has extensive clinical and research experience in HIV-care and viral hepatitis. He is senior investigator of the AGEhIV Cohort Study.
Maarten Schim van der Loeff
Prof. dr. Maarten Schim van der Loeff works as a senior epidemiologist at the Infectious Diseases Department of the GGD Amsterdam. He is also professor by special appointment of epidemiology of sexually transmitted infections at the University of Amsterdam / Amsterdam UMC. He is a Society & Health physician and an epidemiologist. He has long and varied research experience; his current research focuses on sexually transmitted diseases, including gonorrhea, chlamydia, HPV and HIV.

Iris van der Wulp
Iris van der Wulp completed her medical studies at the University of Antwerp (Belgium). After her graduation, she has worked as a resident in Internal Medicine and at the Intensive Care department, both at the Flevohospital in Almere. As of October 2021 she has been working for the Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development (AIGHD) and AMC hospital as a PhD candidate and study coordinator for the AGEhIV Cohort Study.
Manon Vanbellinghen
Manon Vanbellinghen first studied classical music in Brussels before starting her medicine studies in Amsterdam. After obtaining her degree, she worked as a resident for one year in Internal Medicine at the Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek hospital. As from January 2022, she is working as a research intern and PhD student on the AGEhIV Cohort Study.
AGEhIV Study Group
Scientific oversight and coordination
Amsterdam University Medical Centers (AUMC), University of Amsterdam (UvA), Department of Global Health, en Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development (AIGHD)
P. Reiss, F.W.N.M. Wit, M. van der Valk, M.L. Verburgh, I.A.J. van der Wulp, M.C. Vanbellinghen, K. van Eeden
Public Health Service Amsterdam, Department of Infectious Diseases
M. Prins, M.F. Schim van der Loeff, A. Boyd, L. del Grande, I. Agard
HIV Monitoring Foundation
S. Zaheri, M.M.J. Hillebregt, Y.M.C. Ruijs, D.P. Benschop, A. el Berkaoui
Project management and administrative support
Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development (AIGHD)
W. Zikkenheiner, S. Nolst Trenité
Central laboratory support
UAMC, UvA, Laboratory for Viral Immune Pathogenesis and Department of Experimental Immunology
N.A. Kootstra, A.M. Harskamp-Holwerda, I. Maurer, M.M. Mangas Ruiz, A.F. Girigorie, B. Boeser-Nunnink
UAMC, UvA, Laboratory of Experimental Virology and Department of Medical Microbiology
L. van der Hoek, M. Bakker
Participating HIV physicians and nurses
UAMC, Division of Infectious Diseases
S.E. Geerlings, A. Goorhuis, J.W.R. Hovius, F.J.B. Nellen, T. van der Poll, J.M. Prins, P. Reiss, M. van der Valk, W.J. Wiersinga, M. van Vugt, G. de Bree, B.A. Lemkes, F.W.N.M. Wit; J. van Eden, A.M.H. van Hes, F.J.J. Pijnappel, A. Weijsenfeld, F.J.J. Pijnappel, S. Smalhout
Other Collaborators
AUMC, Department of Cardiology
J. de Jong, P.G. Postema
AUMC, Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism
P.H.L.T. Bisschop, M.J.M. Serlie
AUMC, Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism
P. Lips
AUMC, Department of Gastroenterology
E. Dekker
AUMC, Division of Geriatric Medicine
N. van der Velde, R. Franssen
AUMC, Division of Nephrology
J.M.R. Willemsen, L. Vogt
AUMC, Department of Neurology
J. Schouten, P. Portegies, B.A. Schmand, G.J. Geurtsen
AUMC, Department of Ophthalmology
F.D. Verbraak, N. Demirkaya
AUMC, Department of Psychiatry
I. Visser, A. Schadé
AUMC, Department of Medical Psychology
P.T. Nieuwkerk, N. Langebeek
AUMC, Department of Pulmonary Medicine
R.P. van Steenwijk, E. Dijkers
AUMC, Department of Radiology
C.B.L.M. Majoie, M.W.A. Caan, T. Su
AUMC, Department of Gynaecology
H.W. van Lunsen, M.A.F. Nievaard
AUMC, Division of Vascular Medicine
B.J.H. van den Born, E.S.G. Stroes
HIV Vereniging Nederland
S. van Oorsponk